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Sunday 21 April 2013

Message & Affirmation of the Week ~ 23rd April - 28th April 2013

Message & Affirmation of the Week ~ 23rd April - 28th April 2013

Angels say; a lot may have accumulated within you and thereby accumulating a lot of emotional debris of hatred, guilt, grief, hurt, blame, anger, frustration, irritation, feelings of victimhood and much more. All these things have blocked your growth internally and externally in many ways, as these are highly toxic emotions and feelings and create darkness and denseness in your Chakras and thus your Aura and Vibrations.
Angels guide that this week you specially concentrate on releasing all such toxic emotions from and within you. 

Forgiveness is a difficult path seemingly to all you humans but know that, it is the only Path that will move you towards breaking out of the seeming blockages that you've created through these toxic emotions and feelings. Some of you have also manifested seeming health issues due to these. The heaviness of these emotions have such severe ramifications on your emotional, physical & spiritual bodies that you have no idea that cleansing them at times can take a good time on your Earthly Plane. And at times you've been so drowned in them that there is no rising back. Most of the times you may also be playing out your Karmic Debts with your loved ones and people in your world. So move away from adding any new baggage to your life by holding any such emotional grudges whether that is with anyone, anything, any situation, or God, destiny or yourself for that matter.

We are here to help you out of this quicksand that is slowly pulling you in. Move towards Love, Forgiveness and Compassion. Release the burdens of the past if you truly want to change your life. There is no space for Goodness to enter if you clog your life with such heavy toxic vibrations. First release the old, and then, make an attempt each day to release that very day and all the toxins of that day to us, and thus to God, before you sleep.
Ask our guidance and help, as we are created in the same likeness of the Creator and have your Highest Good at interest all the time. Move away from all pain; move towards peace and know we will help and hold you to take this journey forward from pain to peace.

Affirmation for this Week Ten times at Night:

"I shed all hurt, resentment, hatred and unforgiveness. I severe all vows of lack of love, abundance and health taken across all lifetimes, in all time and space, in all directions. I move away from pain. I move towards love, peace & joy in all aspects of my life. I am Love, Peace and Joy.
♥ © Roshani/April2013
♥ Stay Blessed *

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