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Monday 27 January 2014

Message & Affirmation of the Week ~ 27th Jan to 2nd Feb

This week's message focuses on starting the practice, to be happy in the moment of Now, and not cap your happiness with the lack of what you don't have, rather be in Gratitude with all that you do have.

Angels say; Do not benchmark your happiness. In daily life you keep attaching your happiness with a job, a person, an achievement whether it is a status achievement or a weight loss or it could financial and health related. You constantly keep affirming to yourself that you will be happy if you shall loose that desired weight, or the person you want reciprocates, or the job that you desire manifests. What you don't realize is that by doing so, you are constantly living in the energy space of Lack - "I will be happy if..."

This energy space of lack, is not the same as the energy of Law of Attraction or Potentiality. It is the gap in your happiness that you're focusing on. So when you say; "I will be happy if xyz happens" turns out to make you devoid of happiness right there in that moment and that duration and goes on in that manner.

And when you cap yourself that you will be happy if this happens or if that happens; then when that thing does happen, many times you notice that, you don't feel as happy as you did before manifesting it. This is because you yourself had capped that happiness to happen only when the manifestation occurs, so when it does happen & take place, the happiness ceases to exist. 

The importance of being in the Now is still very underestimated. Be happy in the Now. Be excited, take the help of your Angels and Divine Beings and apply the energy to align yourself with the Law of Attraction with a firm belief that what you're asking and praying or affirming, shall "So Be It" for your Highest Good and that of all involved. Least to say, praying anything wrong for anyone or having thoughts of "this should happen to this one" shall surely have it's own ramifications.

And when you start being happy about everything that you have and stop capping your happiness & attaching it to things you don't have, is like turning the key to manifesting all the good that you really want.
Affirmation: 7 Times Morning & Night
"Happiness is my way of life. Happiness lies within me. I am happy, healthy, abundant and energetic at all times."

© Roshani/Jan2014 

Stay Blessed
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