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Saturday 7 June 2014

Cut All Drama look into the underlying Truth!

Have you been attracting drama in your life? Look around Dear One & see if you are constantly in your inner & outer circle attracting this negative pattern of drama, then you would be embroiled in constant story telling, reasoning beyond the means, explaining/ expecting things from all external factors of your life whether it is situations or people & attaching your seeming happiness or woes with them.

You would seemingly find the virtues of receiving love, respect, sincerity, justice, honesty faithfulness, sensitivity, gentleness, compassion etc. missing from your life. The reason is much deeper than you know. It is because your Soul has not received that from you, yourself. You have to know that all that you're experiencing is for your Soul growth & transcendence. But somewhere the learning & thus
transcendence has not happened. The soul has become much more bitter through the situations. This is because you have been operating out of the unawarness of reacting to people & your lesson situations, rather than, responding, retreating & learning from them.

Formation of your soul is a continuous process & you have to embrace that fact & be open to its learnings with endurance, faith & patience. Your Path is Yours & no one else's you have to imbed that strongly within you.

Step back from attaching your happiness or woes to; people, things or situations. Learn to be happy in the now. Appreciative of your good qualities & that of others. Stop all story telling & over explanations especially where you feel you attract them the most, which in all probability is your Inner circle of souls. Have the courage to use the Power of No & step aside when need be. Self respect, esteem & uprightness are different from ego or pride.

Start learning to love, respect & trust yourself. Rise above toxic relationships by responding to them or stepping back if need be.
Whatever you do, do it with completeness & focus on the fact that you are doing it for your Highest Good. Inherently you all are whole, perfect & complete. It is your experiences & karmic exchanges that makes you all a catalyst & trigger to each other. Once you understand this underlying Truth, you will only & only respond to Life, people & situations.

Know that your happiness & the way you want to feel is Your Choice of Life. No one can take that away from You.
☆ The day you stop giving into your vulnerability of attracting others to take advantage of you,
☆ The day you stop giving or receiving long explanations & empty stories or blaming others for doing this or doing that; saying this or saying that, then; that is the day you would have conquered Your physical mind & all drama attached to it.

If you have been experiencing any of the above, say the attached affirmation daily 5 times at night & let us Angels take away from you all the unserving energies & emotions that drain you. <3 © Roshani/June2014

Stay Blessed ♡
Heal Your Self; Heal Your Life; Heal The World ♡

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