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Wednesday 2 July 2014

Seeming separation from God Energy ♡ An important Read

Many a time, I am asked do you follow Baba?, is HE your Guru, or do you follow this one or that one & I would say; "No I don't follow HIM I Love HIM & do best to Live HIM through this body, because HE is not this or that to me, HE is me & HE is everything outside of me too."
This beautiful aspect & entire message was channeled, when I was given my calling message that, I in this Body had to help & empower people, to recognize their Own Divinity within & that of others, to finally become spiritually independent on the Path of Light, to become the very God Energy in all aspects.

When you're following God or Guru, you're merely running after the crust, the form of the Higher Consciousness; A form which is merely a temporary vehicle of representation for the God Energy to come amidst us. You try to read, admire, or learn the teachings or ape them, but may not make efforts or are not able to, or struggling to actually live them. And this blind following without implementing, keeps you at the same spot like a treadmill even though you may have seemingly run 20 kms on it.

This happens as you try to seek HIM everywhere but within. This too, is created due to our evolutionary Amnesia that we are permanently born with, unless the veils of ignorance & dogmatic beliefs driven existence, are lifted.

But when You live the God in You & in your daily life, through the Guru or Mentor who is just like a tuition teacher, helping you to collate information, process your learning, push you to do the homework & ultimately prepare you for the final exam, then you slowly but surely, move to this road inwards where the only person who you shall end up meeting is yourself; that self which is HIM. Once that happens then, You start living the very essence of your inherent True Self of The God Energy. 

Instant magic, instant coffee & instant noodles, are non existent in this Path of discovery of you being the God Energy. Any running or dabbling for or through short cuts, & dimly lit roads, without the aspect of Co creating & working together with Divinty, will only end up in sadness, depression & moving away from the final goal of merging & being that very God that each of us are.

Focus only within & for the within, as all of Universe is existing within you. Only persistent, patient Co creation with Divinity shall bring the Highest Good. In my humble capacity, I bring no external Light, I only try to shine my Inner Light & just hope to tell people where their main switch is to that Light within them.

Awaken this sleeping Energy within & You shall Awaken the all powerful, loving, compassionate & benevolent Being; The God, that is within each of us. When you Live HIS essence all separation dissolves & You & HIM become that which you are - ONE <3 © Roshani/July2014

Love YOU Baba ♡ Jai Meher Baba

Stay Blessed ♡
Heal Your Self; Heal Your Life; Heal The World ♡

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